Tuesday, July 29, 2008

The Dark Knight (AKA Mo' Money Mo' Problems)

There's nothing new I can really add to the endless number of reviews praising The Dark Knight, except to say that they are all absolutely, one hundred fucking percent correct. It's brilliant. A noir crime epic, not a superhero movie. So good, that I may see it a second time (in IMAX).

In other showbiz news, Christian Bale was accused of smacking around his mom and sister after they asked him for a few hundred G's. Bale is also signed on to do the next 3 Terminator movies. 3 Batmans, 3 Terminators. A word of advice to Mr. Bale - it's often easier to toss the hobo his quarter than to listen to his spiel.

Also, Shia Lebeouf ('The Beef' in French), a young actor whose career I look forward to watching implode, was arrested after crashing his car while drunk. I'm starting the clock on this guy now.

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